Tuesday, April 7, 2015

February 4, 2015 (Wednesday)

Time: 9pm-12pm (3)
Hours completed (IST): 27.5/135
Hours completed (Kara Robinson): 8/15
Accumulated on-site hours: 35.5/150

I spent the evening preparing for the next day's BI in an undergraduate English class. The first thing I did was study the handout that is typically used for the English Comp classes. I spent time running searches in the various tools that the handout covers (such as the Discovery Layer, Academic Search Complete, and KentLINK) to get a better sense of them if a student asks me a question. I also began reviewing the book Derelict Paradise, which I recently received a copy of and would be the focus of a BI in March. I was mostly concerned with getting a sense of the book's argument and setting, but also spent some time looking over its bibliography and mining its index to get understand which types of resources the author used. Because of my own research background in Ohio history, Tammy thought this would be a good session for me to run on my own. Of course, she and I would have to feel that I was ready.

Tammy also informed me that this class was working with the concept of Conflict Theory and Native Americans. I spent some time coming up with keywords to use for Conflict Theory and Native Americans and also compiled a list of different online resources on Native Americans that the students could use while researching. I sent the list to Tammy to see if it would help her while teaching but she decided that it was better as a tool to give directly to the students. She added content on Stasis Theory and Presentation Resources, then turned it into a handout.

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